For those who would prefer a gentler hike, the green trail from Mezní Louka to bývalé (former) Zadní Jetřichovice offers an easier way through the national park. The trail leads down into the aptly named Hluboký důl (Deep valley), a sheltered tree-lined gully, through which even the intense summer sun doesn’t always reach. The trail lacks the breath-taking scenery of the red trail however, it is a serene entry point to the German side of the region. At Zadní Jetřichovice you can cross a footbridge and be abroad, if only for a moment. From here it’s possible to follow a number of paths to the German village Hinterhermsdorf. Otherwise stick to the green trail and continue to the cross roads of the green and blue trails at Panenská jedle (Virgin Fir Tree). Going right (south) along the blue will lead to Wasp Peak, formed by a basalt lava flow. Four kilometers from there, you will find Na Tokání. This site is believed to be one of the oldest settlements in the region. In the 19th century hunting lodges were built. Unfortunately, they also suffered the ravages of fire, so the present ones are replicas. This can be a good place to rest and eat before making your way back.