Exterior of Václav Havel Airport in Prague, Czech Republic via iStock / Chalabala
Construction has started on a new train to Václav Havel Airport Prague to help support increased demand to and from the capital city, according to a report on Flowee City.
At the moment, passengers can get to the busy airport by bus or car; however, the new train is meant to accommodate more passengers and increased demand. Transportation officials estimate the train will be complete in ten years.
The bus to the Prague airport can only handle so many passengers, and the Prague airport is growing.
Construction has begun on the first section of the line by the Negrelli viaduct. The new train to Václav Havel Airport Prague will also serve Kladno and the airport in Ruzyně.
“In terms of passenger demand and interval, a train is more suitable, in addition to the airport in Ruzyne, it also serves Kladno,” Deputy Mayor for Transport Adam Scheinherr told Flowee.
Many major cities across Europe have trains that connect the airport to the capital city, including Schiphol Airport in Amsterdam and Gatwick, Heathrow and Stansted near London.