A woman searching for love, like so many other women, turns to the plethora of dating sites and personal ads and meets a man online. You know the routine: a virtual connection forms, messages exchanged and a final, public place meeting to test the odds of fate. Once face to face, for whatever reason, she realizes she is not interested in taking the relationship further. The stars didn’t align. No spark. No harm done, right? Well, not to him. Apparently this was grounds for public humiliation. In retaliation against her disinterest, the man creates a website listing her as a prostitute with full contact information. After receiving propositions, through a Google self-search she stumbles upon the site. Stunned by what she’s found, she seeks help to remove the site only to learn that there are no laws in the Czech Republic to protect her or punish the site’s creator. There is absolutely nothing she can do.