Czech Republic may enact bill protecting right to self-defense with a weapon

A Senate amendment is to anchor the right to defend oneself with a legally held weapon says the Czech Senate petition committee


Written by ČTK Published on 17.09.2019 15:51:31 (updated on 17.09.2019) Reading time: 1 minute

Prague, Sept 17 (CTK) – A Senate amendment is to anchor the right to defend oneself with a legally held weapon, Pavel Cerny, the chairman of the Czech Senate petition committee, and Miroslav Antl (for Social Democrats, CSSD), the chairman of the Senate constitutional and legal committee, told CTK today.

The complementation of the Charter of Fundamental Rights and Freedoms arises from a petition signed by 102,000, including many senior politicians.

The legislation reacts to EU efforts to reduce weapons possession.

Under the draft, the Charter is to be complemented with the “right to defend one’s own or someone else’s life with a weapon,” Antl said.

It is to enhance the right to defence of life to the constitutional level, while the existing conditions of necessary defence and extreme emergency should be fulfilled, he added.

Speaking on behalf of the drafters of the legislation, a senator for the Civic Democratic Party (ODS) and former police president Martin Cervicek said the amendment was not limited to firearms, whose ownership was regulated, and would not bring about any unchecked arms possession.

The chairman of the Senate constitutional commission, Jiri Dientsbier (CSSD), expressed the objection that the prepared amendment was useless because the current wording of the Charter was sufficient.

“The change in the Charter will not provide you with any additional protection,” Dienstbier said, adding that he feared an excessive spread of arms in the public, which may worsen security.

The deputy chairman of the commission, Zdenek Hraba (Mayors and Independents, STAN), said the amendment was to help preserve the current legal state of arms possession in the Czech Republic.

Cerny said the legislation was to prevent the disarmament of potential victims.

The EU countries which have banned even the carrying of knives and defence means are much less safe than the Czech Republic, he added.

“Apparently, the limitations are inefficient and impractical. They are nothing but harassment,” Cerny said.


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