Czech TV to begin nightly news broadcast in Ukrainian

The nightly news program on Czech Television will also feature a simultaneous Ukrainian translation for refugees in the Czech Republic. Staff

Written by Staff Published on 12.03.2022 09:52:00 (updated on 12.03.2022) Reading time: 2 minutes

As of Saturday evening, Czech Television will broadcast its nightly evening news program Události (Events) with simultaneous Ukrainian translation, Czech Television spokesperson Karolína Blinková has announced.

The nightly news broadcast with Ukrainian translation will be available at the Czech Television website iVysilani as well as through smart TVs equipped with HbbTV, which allows the live television broadcast to be complemented with information relayed through the internet.

The goal of broadcasting Czech news in Ukrainian is to give refugees in the Czech Republic who have fled the war with Russia greater access to up-to-date reports regarding both the war as well as local matters.

"It is our goal to ensure everyday access to relevant information not only about the war in Ukraine, but also about the latest developments in the Czech Republic and in the world to Ukrainian arrivals," said Czech Television's General Director Petr Dvořák.

The live broadcast will take place at 7:00 p.m. nightly, along with the translated version. After the broadcasts begin, Czech Television will also create an online database containing an archive of previous news broadcasts in Ukrainian.

Several regional offices of Czech Television have already been offering news broadcasts in Ukrainian for incoming refugees, but this will be the first broadcast in Ukrainian at both a nightly and national level.

A weekly report in Ukrainian, summarizing the latest developments and informing viewers about available assistance for refugees, has been produced by Czech Television offices in Brno and Ostrava.

The program premieres on Friday afternoons, and can be found at the Facebook profiles of Události Brno and Události Ostrava.

Ukrainian refugees in the Czech Republic can also listen to the latest reports from Ukraine on radio. On Thursday morning, the radio station Ukrainskie Radio (Ukrainian Radio) began broadcasting in the Czech Republic.

The radio station carries a transmission from Ukrainian public radio. Its broadcasts are fully in Ukrainian, and made by staff in Ukraine. Czech Radio and České Radiokomunikace, the largest TV and radio transmitter operator in Czechia, launched the radio broadcasts earlier this week.

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