Getting Started in the Czech Republic

Our beginner's guide to life in the Czech Republic Staff Jason Pirodsky

Written by StaffJason Pirodsky Published on 20.01.2009 15:51:51 (updated on 20.01.2009) Reading time: 5 minutes

Are you new to the Czech Republic? Planning to move here? This introductory article should cover most of the basic questions you’ll have upon first arriving in Prague or the greater Czech Republic.

Please see our companion piece to this article, Getting Started with, for information on our website, what we offer, and how you can best make use of it. Survival Guide & Business Directory

First, you’ll want to have a copy of the Survival Guide and Business Directory, our annually-produced 180-page guidebook that covers everything from relocation, employment, and medical needs to dining and entertainment options in Prague. And it’s 100% FREE – just stop by our Prague 2 offices today to pick up your copy: 24-hour pickup from reception.

Click Here for our office address and contact details.

Don’t live in Prague? We’ll send you a copy for the cost of a small shipping & handling fee. Contact us for more details. You can also download a PDF Version of the guidebook online.


If you’re going to live in the Czech Republic, you’re likely going to want (or need!) to get a residence permit. Have a look at this article on Obtaining a Residence Permit.

Not an EU Citizen? Regulations have become more strict since the beginning of 2008. Our article on The Schengen Situation explains. 

For a quick guide to prices in the Czech Republic, please see our Cost of Living chart.

Will you be living in Prague? Have a look at our Guide to Prague Districts to get an idea of which part of the city you may want to reside in.

And for further reading, see the Relocation section in our Article Database.

You might also want to check out the Relocation section of our Business Directory for Relocation Agencies, Moving Companies, and companies that can assist with Visa Paperwork.

You’ll also want to be sure to locate your country’s Embassy or Consulate in the Czech Republic in case of any emergencies.

Still have questions? Please feel free to ask our community at the discussion forums for Relocation or Expat Life.


Looking to make new friends in Prague or elsewhere in the Czech Republic? There’s no better place than our community forums – try discussion areas for Meet-ups, Newbies, or Out of the City – even if you live outside of the major cities, you may be surprised to find some English-speakers that live near you. Also try the Friendship area of our classifieds section.

Looking for something more? You may want to try our personals sections: Male Seeking Female, Male Seeking Male, Female Seeking Male, or Female Seeking Female.


Looking for work? Have a look at ourJob Server, which contains hundreds of new offers every month from leading recruitment agencies, local companies, and members of our community.

Also, see the Employment section of our Business Directory for listings for Recruitment Agencies, Recruiters, and more.

And you may find some interesting reading in the Employment section of our Article Database.

Money & Finance

You’ll likely want to open a bank account while in the Czech Republic. Which bank to choose? Our Bank Comparisons article takes a look at various Prague banks. See the other articles in our Money and Finance section for information on Taw Law Changes that came in to effect from 2008, how to pay your Electricity and Natural Gas bills, and more.

Have at look at the Money and Finance section of our Business Directory for services that you might need, such as Banks, Accountants, Financial Consultants, and Tax Advisors.

Still have questions? Bring ’em to the Money & Finance section of our Q&A Forums.


The three main ways of doing business in the Czech Republic are working for an employer, working freelance through a trade license, or forming your own company, usually an s.r.o. While an employer will aid you with paperwork, you’ll want to see our articles on Tips on securing a Trade License, Forming a New SRO, or Acquiring an SRO if you choose one of the other paths. Also, see the Doing Business section of our Article Database for more advice.

The Business section of our Business Directory features a wealth of listings for services you’ll require while in the Czech Republic, including Lawyers, Translators, Consultancy, Company Formation, Parcel Services, and much more.

Questions? That’s what our Business Q&A Forum is for.

Real Estate

Looking for a flat in Prague? Interested in buying property? Have a look at our Real Estate Server for thousands of options from local real estate agencies.

Alternatively, you can findFlat Sharing options in our classifieds system, along with Flats Offered by private landlords.

Also, be sure to have a look at Richard Gürlich’s in-depth 11-part series on Purchasing Real Estate. And have a look at the Real Estate section of our Article Database for more information.


Where can I find English Bacon? Peanut Butter? Brown Sugar? One of the most common questions we see on the discussion forums is ‘where can I get product x?’ Though the beloved products from your country of origin may not be readily apparent on the shelves of local supermarkets, the invariable answer is that yes, they can be found somewhere in the Czech Republic. Our Shopping Q&A Forum is your best bet, but please do a search before posting a new message – your product has likely already been located.

You’ll also want to check out the Shopping and Food and Drink sections of our Business Directory, and be sure to stop by the Specialty Food Stores for those hard-to-find food products.

Also, have a look at the Shopping Articles in our database for further reading.

Health & Medical 

Need a Doctor or Hospital ? Have a look at theHealth & Medical Section of our Business Directory for these and other options.

Also, visit the Health & Medical section of our Article Database for further reading.

And the Health & Medical Q&A Forum if you have any further questions.


The general emergency number throughout most of Europe – including the Czech Republic – is 112

Please see our article on Emergency Numbers & Contacts and be prepared for anything else you might need in an emergency. You might also want to have a look at our article on Legal Issues.


Even to long-termers, the Czech Republic can sometimes feel like a strange and foreign land.  See our article on Czech Etiquette for some helpful advice on avoiding cultural blunders, and the Culture section for further reading.

Have any further questions? Experiences to share? Head on over to the Czech Culture Q&A Forum.

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