We have prepared a special offer for you – up to 20% discount for all kinds of membership. Please consult Zuzana Bartlová +420 774 791 975, zuzanabartlova@holmesplace.cz or Katarína Králová +420 774 791 987 katarinakralova@holmesplace.cz (our photos) on prices and various options for you and your family. Only by applying through Zuzana or Katarína you will be able to get the great discount and other advantages. Want to try the club for the first time? Click here.
One billion man hours is lost to sickness across Europe each year – a staggering cost to the economy of 40 billion per year.
People who exercise just once a week take up to 27 % fewer days off sick, and show an increase in productivity of 12.5 %.
It´s also a well known fact that health and wellbeing services are the most popular voluntary benefit people look to receive from their employees.
Cost saving, increased productivity and happy, healthy employees – think what that could do for your business!
The services we provide include:
· Health Scan for your employees and your company
· Health and Fitness Strategies
· Corporate Gym Membership
· Marketing support and ‘launch week´
Inspire your people to live well! Holmes Place is the only fitness and wellness club in Prague that offers Wellness Corporate Programs according to your company needs. We will help to boost your company performance by making your employees healthy and relaxed. Please contact Zuzana Bartlová +420 774 791 975, zuzanabartlova@holmesplace.cz for more information about the programs.