In the Czech kitchen: The secret second step to perfect mashed potatoes

This buttery Czech take on mashed potatoes (bramborová kaše) delivers a silky, flavorful side to everything from schnitzel to meatloaf.


Written by Ambiente Published on 28.10.2024 12:30:00 (updated on 28.10.2024) Reading time: 1 minute

i This article was written in partnership with Ambiente Read our policy

Mashed potatoes (bramborová kaše) are a staple in the Czech kitchen. The ideal version should be creamy yet thick, a texture achieved through careful preparation and ingredient choice.

The chefs at the esteemed Čestr steakhouse in Prague have shared their secret extra step for perfecting this classic Czech comfort food to be serves as a silky, flavorful side to schnitzels (řízky), sausage (párek) meat loaf (sekaná) or patties (karbanátky).

Czech mashed potatoes à la Čestr


  • 2 kg (4 lbs) potatoes
  • 1 l whole milk, ideally farm-fresh
  • 100 g butter
  • Salt


  • 1.Prep the potatoes Peel and soak potatoes in water for 30 minutes to remove excess starch. Meanwhile, bring milk to a gentle simmer in a separate pot with salt.
  • 2.Cook the potatoes Dice the soaked potatoes, cover with cold water, and bring to a boil, skimming any starch foam. After 5–10 minutes, drain them.
  • 3.Simmer in milk Place the drained potatoes into the hot milk to maintain the cooking temperature. Cook for about 25 minutes, until the potatoes are nearly falling apart.
  • 4.Mash and finish Drain the potatoes, saving the milk. Place potatoes in a bowl, add cold butter, and begin mashing, gradually adding milk for a silky finish. Salt to taste and serve warm.

In the Czech Kitchen is a weekly column written in cooperation with the culinary experts from Ambiente. Established in 1995, the Prague-based collective of pubs, restaurants, and fine-dining outlets has transformed the Czech culinary landscape and lent to the widespread awareness of quality food service and production in Czechia. Follow their socials or book your table at

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