International Volunteer Day: Help an expat-founded charity feed and clothe Prague’s homeless this winter

The expat-focused and English-speaking charity aims to provide material items to Prague’s homeless while giving them the gift of friendship. Staff

Written by Staff Published on 05.12.2023 14:00:00 (updated on 08.12.2023) Reading time: 2 minutes

Today marks International Volunteer Day worldwide, and charities in Czechia are getting ready to help people in need this Christmas – especially as temperatures begin to drop. FriendShip Prague, an English-speaking charity in the capital, has launched a December campaign that aims to help those who are most disadvantaged.

FriendShip aims to connect members of the public with the homeless – allowing people not only to donate goods to those worse off but to also spend quality time with them and become a source of support and friendship. Volunteers meet every Saturday in Prague to help the homeless population while keeping them company.

Collecting warm clothes

FriendShip has started its annual “Fill a Christmas sock for the homeless” campaign, in which members of the public purchase a pair of warm socks, fill one of them with travel-size toiletries and sweets, and donate them to the charity. 

 “By volunteering in person, you will be showing not only that some people do care about those less fortunate, but you will also help bring back the true spirit of Christmas to those who need it the most.”

FriendShip Prague

The non-governmental organization also encourages people to donate any spare clothes, foods, and necessities to those who are less fortunate as part of its winter donation drive. Items can be dropped off at the FriendShip office at Dům Radost in Prague 3. The charity says that it is especially in need of gloves, scarves, blankets, backpacks, mats, and sleeping bags.

homelessness by the figures

  • A 2019 survey found that 24,000 people in Czechia are estimated to be homeless; the de facto number may be substantially higher, with one study concluding there were over 70,000 homeless people in the country.
  • There are between 4,000 and 6,000 homeless people in the capital today.
  • Prague has the highest proportion of homeless people sleeping outside or "in low-threshold hostels" out of the whole country, at 1.64 per 1,000 population.

    Sources: Research Institute for Labor and Social Affairs,,

A breakfast, film, and Christmas meal together

FriendShip will also host a charity yoga and breakfast event that will take place on Dec. 10, with all proceeds going toward purchasing extra winter necessities. Full information on registering can be found here.

The charity also encourages volunteers to not only donate to the homeless and disadvantaged but to also spend quality time with them. FriendShip is hosting a Christmas movie screening at Žižkov’s Husitská Community Center on Dec. 15 at 5 p.m., the public is welcome to join. 

The annual Christmas meal with the homeless will also take place at Bike Jesus on Dec. 23 at 2 p.m. – volunteers are encouraged to bring food, clothes, and warm supplies for the homeless. Those who wish to attend should fill out this form beforehand.

The charity reminds members of the public to donate via the site. Since it has no government funding, every donation counts.


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