Your credit history is not so easily accessible, and the situation around it is a little more complicated. Brosková explained, “Regarding credit rating, the situation is different. There is a Central Register of Debtors available online; however, it is a privately-run paid service. If you have a loan (bank, consumer loan), mortgage loan, or possess a credit card, or for example, you owe on taxes, social security insurance, etc., you will likely be listed in this register. Most of the financial institutions (sometimes even creditors other than banks) include in their contracts a provision allowing the creditor to transfer debtor’s information to this register. It means that by signing a mortgage loan contract you give consent to process your debts’ information and transfer it to the Central Debtors Register. Any person who would like to then scan a person’s financial history can access such information at one place.” Again, it might be necessary to read the fine print before taking out loans or opening an account.