Prague Wanderer: December 2008

Broadcasting to Iran, the don'ts of Czech etiquette... Staff

Written by Staff Published on 03.12.2008 15:50:59 (updated on 03.12.2008) Reading time: 1 minute

Broadcasting to Iran, the don’ts of Czech etiquette, and how to keep life gay (and we don’t mean happy) 

Don’t miss the new issue of The Prague Wanderer!

Czech dining customs can mystify clueless foreigners, though the one thing that can be counted on is that any meal is likely to have beer aplenty. So where should you go to find beer cooked into the stew you’re eating?

Find out in the newest issue of The Prague Wanderer, Europe´s only English-language college Webzine, put out by students at New York University in Prague. Their irreverent views on Czech life will have you laughing or shaking your head, and either way you can write comments to make the students improve!

Read The Prague Wanderer for tips on how to pick your way through Prague’s ample vintage clothing stores, or reflect on how the horrors of Auschwitz reach one visitor to the former concentration camp through a very symbolic utensil. Head up to Letna Park to hang out with young skateboarders and find out if they know the history behind their skate park, Stalin Square. 

The top ten mistakes hapless Americans make when interacting with Czechs will have you chuckling, while the goings on at one very glittery gay bar are positively titillating! And if you want even more food, check out the fried cheese stands in Wenceslas Square for a uniquely Czech (and extremely cheap) delicacy.

Is traveling to big, bad Russia as intimidating as it sounds? What is the funniest thing anyone has ever said at Oktoberfest? And are Czechs happy with Barack Obama’s presidential victory in the United States? All these answers and more are in our latest issue.

The Prague Wanderer welcomes your feedback. Happy Wandering!

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