Risotto with black truffles

Head chefs Recipe Series - Miroslav Grusz from Lichfield Café, Restaurant & Bar

Expats.cz Staff

Written by Expats.cz Staff Published on 25.10.2012 15:10:33 (updated on 25.10.2012) Reading time: 1 minute

Risotto with black truffles

Risotto with Black Truffles
by Miroslav Grusz
from Lichfield Café, Restaurant & Bar

“I like this recipe because it is proven classic and almost everyone loves it.”

Risotto with black truffles

5 minutes preparation, 16 minutes cooking

Risotto with black truffles

Serves 2

90g Butter
200g Rice risotto – Carnaroli or Vialone Nano
50g Shallots
100 ml White wine
300 ml Chicken broth
30g Parmesan
10g Olive oil
Black truffles umbria Trevi – or Perigord Truffle (can be ordered from Top Potraviny)

Risotto with black truffles

Stir fry the rice in olive oil and when it starts to be warm add the finely chopped shallots and continue frying. When the rice is hot, sprinkle it with white wine and simmer gently. Add the broth and cook until the rice is done al dente. By adding butter, parmesan, and olive oil to the cooked rice, you will create the creamy consistency typical for a delicious risotto.

Truffles are to be added inside and sprinkled on top, too. If you use white truffles, grate them into thin slices on the top. If you use black truffles, we recommend to heat a bit of olive oil to 30 C and add the truffles to release the aroma, and then serve on top.

Risotto with black truffles

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