There are several western-styled grocery stores located throughout Prague. Popular British chain, Tesco has 3 stores (Národní třída, Zličín and Letňany). French chain, Carrefour can be found inside the Nový Smíchov mall (Anděl) and Delvita stores are spread throughout the city. Marks and Spencer also has a small food department. All stores have specialty sections where one can find influences from other countries (Asian, Mexican, Thai etc.) Czechs often buy their essentials daily at the local potraviny. Potravinys only stock the essential needs: frozen meat, canned goods, bread, dairy products, drinks and alcohol. Though very convenient, they are often crowded. Specialty meat shops can also be found in Prague. The maso-uzeniny generally has beef and pork products. You can order special cuts of meat and sausage by weight. For the freshest fish and poultry, shop at a ryby-drubez shop. Often the fish is so fresh it is still swimming in the tank. You must ask for fish and chicken by weight, as with the maso-uzeniny. The best place to buy the freshest bread is at the pekařství. It offers a wide variety of breads and rolls as well as tasty pastries.