Inside look: Signal Festival to transform neglected Prague market into art space

Festival organizers have announced plans to revive Prague's historic Old Town Market into a permanent hub for digital art. Staff

Written by Staff Published on 09.11.2024 12:29:00 (updated on 10.11.2024) Reading time: 2 minutes

Prague’s long-neglected Old Town Market could soon host a permanent digital art gallery, following a proposal by the organizers of the city's popular annual Signal Festival. The City of Prague municipality has agreed to temporarily lease the historic market space for about three and a half years, reports Czech economic platform e15.

The team behind Signal Festival aims to transform the neglected former market into Signal Space, a vibrant public gallery for digital art. The space would feature works from both Czech and international artists, offering a fusion of contemporary creativity within the building’s 19th-century walls.

Old Town Market, located between 28. října and Rytířská streets, has long been underused. Despite efforts to restore it in the past, including an abandoned plan to turn it into a world-class market, the building has remained largely vacant since 2020. Rising renovation costs of around CZK 700 million have posed challenges for the city in securing a permanent tenant.

Photo: IPR Praha
Photo: IPR Praha

Creative solution to give life to an underutilized space

In a bid to find a temporary solution, Prague’s property councilor, Adam Zábranský, explained that the city is exploring competitive dialogue to attract potential partners who can fund the building’s renovation. Meanwhile, Signal Festival organizers have proposed a unique solution to breathe new life into the space.

“We want Signal Space to be a public gallery for modern digital art, featuring both emerging Czech artists and international creators,” Martin Pošta, one of the founders of Signal Festival, tells e15.

"Our goal is to create a temporary cultural space in the center of Prague, which will sensitively offer the general public access to modern art and become a place for cultural and artistic meetings until the preparatory work on the reconstruction of the market hall begins."


The project will include video installations and other forms of digital creativity that Signal Festival has become known for, continuing the festival’s tradition of transforming Prague’s landmarks into immersive art displays.

"At the same time, we would like to re-open the passage between 28. Octírá and Rytířská streets, so that the people of Prague can use it again," Pošta adds.

Historic photo of market, market today and visualization. (Collage: MHMP, IPR Praha)
Historic photo of market, market today and visualization. (Collage: MHMP, IPR Praha)

Partnership offers cultural and economic benefits

Signal Festival organizers have proposed paying a modest rent of CZK 100,000 per month, alongside covering renovation costs and utilities. In exchange, the festival would reinvigorate Old Town Market with a rich cultural offering, benefiting both locals and tourists.

This agreement, still under negotiation, could revitalize the neglected building and provide a dynamic platform for digital art in the heart of Prague. The city also hopes the project will help reopen the historic passage between 28. října and Rytířská streets in the long-term, further integrating the area for public use.

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