What was Most Popular on Expats.cz in 2012?

Check what you may have missed last year

Expats.cz Staff

Written by Expats.cz Staff Published on 04.01.2013 11:14:32 (updated on 04.01.2013) Reading time: 2 minutes

2012 has been by far the busiest year for Expats.cz. We have published more content than ever before, recorded the highest visitor rates in our history and put into motion some of the most important projects. Looking back, we have decided to provide you, our users, with a roundup of some of your most popular articles, restaurant reviews, film reviews and events from last year. In case you have missed any of them, here they are.

Top 10 articles from 2012:

What was Most Popular on Expats.cz in 2012?

Brewsta’s unique and independent restaurant reviews are a stable constant and one which most, if not all, active users of Expats.cz are aware of or following. This naturally warrants coverage of some of your most popular up-and-coming places. It may surprise you that the top of the list is crowned by a Vietnamese fast food (Pho Vietnam Tuan & Lan, closely followed by other popular food destinations. 

Top 10 Restaurants Reviews:


What was Most Popular on Expats.cz in 2012?

For all the movie fans out there, Jason Pirodsky’s movie reviews are a popular content series, which has enjoyed an ever-growing following on Expats.cz. The following 10 movie reviews of 2012 have all gained a 4/4 rating from our reviewer and proved to be your most popular ones.

Top 10 films (in chronological order):

What was Most Popular on Expats.cz in 2012?

With so many events happening all around us at all times, it is sometimes hard to stay on top of it all. That is where our What’s On section comes in, listing events in the respective categories. Across these, the following 10 events have been your most popular last year, from the world-famous Cirque du Soleil all the way to the controversial The Human Body Exhibition.

Top 10 events you were interested in:

What was Most Popular on Expats.cz in 2012?

Classifieds have been among some of the most popular sections on Expats.cz. Historically, the property Flat Share and Flats to Rent sections have been your most popular and this was the same in 2012. Meeting and dating through Expats.cz is clearly a popular activity, trailed by teaching-related sections and furniture – all reflective of the varied needs of the vibrant Expat community.

Top 10 Classifieds sections you were looking at:

Happy 2013 from Expats.cz Team!

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