Ahoj, roomie! How attractive dorms enhance the study experience at a Czech university

Investment into accommodation at the University of Hradec Králové creates an environment in which students make friends and achieve success.

William Nattrass

Written by William Nattrass Published on 24.09.2024 16:50:00 (updated on 23.09.2024) Reading time: 4 minutes

i This article was written in partnership with University of Hradec Králové Read our policy

What do we really mean when we talk about the “student experience”? While studying, working hard and achieving qualifications form the core purpose of going to university, for many, the social element is just as important.

University is a place for making lifelong friends – whether in classes themselves, or in student accommodation. Young people thrown together by pure chance often end up forming deep connections that will last the rest of their lives.

Conscious of the profound effect which the quality of student accommodation has on university life, the University of Hradec Králové (UHK) is investing heavily into its Palach halls of residence, creating facilities that set high standards for the Czech higher education sector. In doing so, the university is becoming an increasingly attractive location for foreign students seeking connections and comfort in their new Czech community.

A hub for expat students

It’s understandable that international students in Czechia often tend to stick together. Living in UHK’s Palach dorms, they’ll find a friendly community of foreign students navigating their way through studies in Czechia side-by-side.

According to Charline Monnier, a student who has lived in the Palach dorms, UHK accommodation is “a great experience, especially if you’re a foreign student.” She adds that “dormitories are good places to meet other students; quite quickly, a feeling of solidarity emerges among foreign students.”

Fellow student Luana Cunha agrees: “If you are willing to meet new people and make connections, the accommodation can give you that. You’ll be placed with roommates with whom you can share experiences and cultural backgrounds – students from the same region are usually put together, and if you’re unhappy with your roommates, you can request a room change.” 

“UHK has many international students, both regular and exchange, so you can meet and connect with people from all over the world.” This, according to Luana, does much to enhance students' “cultural sensitivity”.

The dorms already get glowing reviews from students, but UHK isn’t stopping here. The university has committed to further major developments, including an outdoor sports field and surrounding amenities. 

Aleš Klicnar, Bursar at UHK, explains why the university is focused on investing to make its dorms top-notch.

“Over time, students perceive the social impact and personal development of sharing mutual academic and life experiences with their roommates very positively. In many cases, these roommates become lifelong friends or partners.”

Bursar Klicnar adds that “over the past six years, the university has invested CZK 50 million in the renovation of the dormitories. The planned redevelopment of the sports field and adjacent areas will cost us an additional CZK 80 million.”

Study life = social life

Although set in a quiet area of Hradec Králové, the Palach dorms and surrounding areas have everything that students need for an active social life. The dorms provide full-time student accommodation, as well as hotel-style options for students needing one-off or irregular accommodation.

UHK student Linda Luna Aldana Teran describes the Palach dorms as “a meeting point for Czech and international students. UHK welcomes hundreds of international students every semester, and most of them stay in the dorms.”

“If you’re accommodated there for a long time, you become close to your roommates and get to learn about them and their culture. There are lots of opportunities to meet other students throughout the dorm, whether it’s in the study room, gym, on the court, or even just in the elevator,” she says.

It’s a sociable environment; Linda adds that students “like to organize gatherings in their flats. This is one of the aspects I liked most about being there, and something you wouldn’t get to experience if you’re a student living outside the dorms.”

A focused environment

While opportunities for students to socialize at the Palach dorms are only set to increase with new investments, UHK also aims to provide the right rhythm of life for studying. Rooms are typically shared with one or two other students and are described as “spacious” by Linda. Each student gets their own desk, and “if you’re lucky, you can get a room with a balcony.”

Students praise the appearance and cleanliness of the dorms post-renovation – Luana describes them as “really comfortable and a place I could call home after just a few weeks.” While living check-by-jowl with other students “doesn’t provide much privacy or alone time, this is something you can adapt to over time,” she says.

Continuous investment into the dorms is key to creating numerous opportunities to study and work on individual pursuits, including a study room and piano room. Such spaces help unlock the academic success which students strive to achieve.

“The quality and cost of housing provided at university dormitories is a deciding factor when choosing a university. According to our surveys, students assess aspects such as the comfort and modern design of accommodation, proximity to the city center and to the university, internet connection quality, their number of roommates, privacy, and financial and time savings compared to renting or commuting from home,” explains Bursar Klicnar.

UHK’s Palach dorms combine the vital factors of high quality and low cost. At CZK 3,150 to CZK 3,930 per month, they’re among Czechia’s most affordable student accommodation. Studying here saves students tens of thousands of crowns per year compared to dorms at other universities.

“The quality of housing has a significant impact on overall satisfaction and academic success,” Bursar Klicnar concludes. It’s clear that forthcoming developments at UHK’s Palach dorms will only boost the university’s popularity among foreign and Czech students alike.

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