WIN: As You Like It

CLOSED: Win tickets and an after-party invitation for the Prague Shakespeare Company’s grand season finale at the Estates Theatre Staff

Written by Staff Published on 16.06.2014 15:33:03 (updated on 16.06.2014) Reading time: 1 minute

As You Like It is one of William Shakespeare’s most beloved and vibrant comedies. Sparkling with wit, this joyous tale of a girl disguised as a boy – who tempts the man she loves to fall for the boy she isn’t – is flavored with all the longing and pain of everyone’s first big romance. 

To win a main prize (2 tickets and an after-party invitation for the Prague Shakespeare Company’s grand season finale at the Estates Theatre) or 2×2 tickets, answer the question below. The winners are Ruxandra, Markéta, Jérémy.

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