Czech government supports proposal to add armed self-defense to list of fundamental human rights
A Senate proposal to add the right to defend oneself with a firearm to the Czech Republic's basic rights has seen increased support
Czech Republic has opened travel to foreign nationals from six non-European countries
Up until now, citizens of those countries could visit the Czech Republic only for specific reasons, such as a family emergency or work
Czech scientists launch worldwide mushroom atlas GlobalFungi
Three years and 650 million observations in the making, the world database of fungi is now online
As of Monday Czechs returning from Serbia, Montenegro must test or quarantine
The Czech Republic has taken the step in reaction to the worsened epidemiological situation in Serbia and Montenegro
Czech MPs approve bill granting compensation to contract workers affected by coronavirus crisis
The bill, which would grant contract workers 31,150 crowns for the State of Emergency period, still needs Senate approval
The Czech Republic has enough equipment for a second COVID-19 wave, says Interior Minister
"We would cope with another six weeks of infection outburst without problems," says Jan Hamáček
Czech opposition parties urge PM Andrej Babiš to back EU coronavirus recovery plan
Deputies from the Czech Pirate Party, Christian Democrats, TOP 09, and STAN have called on the PM to support the EU plan for economic revival
Czech officials urge government to offer asylum to citizens of Hong Kong facing persecution
On behalf of TOP 09, Markéta Pekarová Adamová has called on the Czech cabinet to offer asylum to prosecuted Hong Kong people
All Lives Matter poster placed in Czech Chamber of Deputies by MP wearing "black lives don't matter" t-shirt
MP Lubomír Volný proposed the Chamber support statements made by Czech President Miloš Zeman last week
All Czech hospital staff to receive bonuses for working during COVID-19 epidemic
All healthcare workers, not only those looking after COVID-19 patients, will be entitled a a bonus under a new proposal
OKD suspends mining in Karviná area following COVID-19 outbreaks
After about 20% of employees tested positive for COVID-19 during blanket testing, OKD has shut down operations for six months
Czech Foreign Ministry to propose new national day dedicated to Czech expatriates
The Ministry will launch a public poll to select the specific date, choosing from five historically significant dates for Czech expats
Filmmakers and crews from the U.S. will still be allowed to shoot in the Czech Republic
The Czech Film Commission says it will exempt filmmakers, actors, and crews from the current EU travel ban
Czech President Miloš Zeman: "Black Lives Matter is racist, since all lives matter"
Zeman criticized the Black Lives Matter protests at an American Embassy event celebrating U.S. Independence Day last night
Prague Marathon, Half-Marathon, and Grand Prix runs officially cancelled for 2020
Originally postponed until September, Prague Marathon has now cancelled its 2020 runs in the Czech Capital
Czech Republic among 14 European countries in violation of right to equal opportunities and pay
Czech Government Human Rights Commissioner Helena Valkova said that she considered the European Committee of Social Rights report a warning
Czech Health Ministry to release daily regional COVID-19 risk map from July 1
Once per day starting in July, the Czech Health Ministry will release a map of risk regions in the Czech Republic