7 Tips for Earning a Little Extra

Need extra income fast? There are some (legal) options in Prague for getting it

Ryan Scott

Written by Ryan Scott Published on 22.09.2014 10:28:53 (updated on 19.01.2023) Reading time: 4 minutes

Whether it’s cash for an emergency or just want to thicken your wallet a bit, hair, sperm, eggs or blood plasma can be sold (or donated with some cash for your time). And if none of those options appeal, there is always modeling for an art class.

Sell your hair

When it comes to selling your crowning glory, length, quality and color determine how much you will be paid. Though different places offer different rates, the lighter and longer the locks, the higher the price. Profi Beauty will pay 6,200 CZK for 100 grams of 60–80 cm blonde hair. One hundred grams of 20–25 cm of blonde hair will get you 600 CZK. However, the table is offered as a guide and not the set price. Most places would want a photo of your hair before agreeing to buy something.

Donate sperm

Donor requirements and remuneration for one’s – ahem – time and cooperation, varies a bit from clinic to clinic. Generally donors should be between 18 and 40 (though some clinics have a lower maximum age) with the equivalent of at least of a high school leaving certificate. Clinics also require donors to be in good physical condition, have no genetic or psychiatric disorders and be free of STDs. A number of factors can influence the final payment from the amount of sperm a donor produces to the educational level of the donor. As a rough guide you can be expect between 500 to 1,000 CZK per donation. Interested parties donate once to twice a week over a period of six months. Donations are made anonymously, though anonymity can be broken in the case of severe genetic illnesses in the child fathered by a donor.

Donate eggs

Some of the requirements for women who wish to be an egg-donor are similar to those of men who want to be sperm donors. They must be physically and mentally healthy and have no STDs. The age limit is a bit lower, at around 33 to 35 years. Remuneration per instance of donation ranges from 10,000 CZK to 20,000 CZK. (The clinics are not technically paying for the egg. They’re reimbursing you for your cooperation.) This website (in Czech) covers the issues pertaining to donating an egg in more depth. As to how often, the answers vary from every 3 months to only 3 times in a woman’s lifetime. A woman’s health and age will influence this answer so it is best to ask the clinic where you intend to donate. The law protects the anonymity of egg donors.

Donate Blood

While payment for blood is not offered, you can get a 2,000 CZK deduction form your tax base per donation. In order to donate your blood you must be between 18 and 65, weigh above 50 kg and not suffer from a serious illness. The Czech Red Cross has some further conditions.

Donate Plasma

Though donations of blood are unpaid, blood plasma can earn you 400 CZK. In order to donate your plasma you must be between 18 and 65, weigh above 55 kg, have a medical examination, have valid EU medical insurance and have a “good knowledge” of Czech. Certain medical conditions such as diabetes, autoimmune disorders and hemophilia, to name a few, preclude a person from donating plasma. If you fit the criteria, you can donate once every 14 days. Visit here and here for more detailed information on plasma donation.

Pose for an art class

A simple answer to this was not so easy to find. I contacted a few studios and only one Výtvarný Ateliér responded. An interested person would sign a “Work Contract” (Smlouva o dílo) or an “employment agreement” (dohoda o provedení práce). they pay from 100–120 CZK an hour.

Participate in a clinical trial

If bettering medical understanding in exchange for some crowns appeals to you, there are two ways to go about it. You can contact a local hospital and sign up for an upcoming study, for example Thomayer Hospital (Thomayerova Nemocnice) has its own clinical trial unit. Otherwise, you can sign up here (in Czech). Participants for any study will be selected based on the criteria established by the researchers and their involvement is based on written informed consent (informovaný souhlas). Payment varies with 20,000 CZK cited as the upper range.

Has anybody had any experience with the above methods of earning extra income?

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