Expect to be wowed by the extinct volcano peaks of the České středohoří Mountains, the lofty reaches of the Krušné Mountains, the rounded peaks of the Lužické and Jetřichovické Walls. The area around the Elbe also boasts some exquisite countryside including a narrow, canyon-like valley called the Porta Bohemica and the so-called Garden of Bohemia around Litoměřice and Žatec, where hops, grapes, fruit and vegetables have been grown for centuries. Thermal springs, whose waters possess curative properties, have given rise to the oldest of the Czech spas at Teplice and other spa towns. Other attractions include chateaux in Duchcov, Klášterec nad Ohří, Krásný Dvůr, Libochovice, Ploskovice and Velké Březno; conservation areas in Žatec, Kadaň, Litoměřice and Terezín are also well worth a visit.