Eco Awards 2009

Business Leaders Forum announces 19th year of the contest Staff

Written by Staff Published on 20.01.2010 12:13:10 (updated on 20.01.2010) Reading time: 2 minutes

Deadline extended up to 31st January 2010 !!!

Business Leaders Forum announces 19th year of the contest

The Health, Safety and Environment Award 2009

The Health, Safety and Environment Award is open to any organization that positively influences the natural and living environment in its vicinity, e.g. industrial enterprises, chemical factories, distribution firms — therefore for your company as well. The Award shall be granted to such organization that can prove the best measurable contribution to the improvement of the local natural or work environment or health either of its employees or local inhabitants, or any other improvement that contributes to the global environment improvement. You can also apply for your environment product, process or management. Projects undertaken only for compliance with the law, or under mandate will be excluded from the competition.

Applications for 2009 award should be submitted to BLF by January 31, 2010. The contribution to health and safe environment you have made — any single project, investment or any other betterment that was undertaken and completed in the year 2009 — should be described in one or two pages and also the financial expenses and measurable results are to be stated in or attached to this description. The projects of the applicants shall be submitted for assessment to a jury of outstanding personalities of health and environmental circles. The award presentation shall be held in the spring of 2010.

The deputy Minister of the Environment ing. Rut Bízková, presented the Award for the year 2008. Ministry of the Environment also accepted patronage over the year 2009.

The winner of can be nominated to THE EUROPEAN BUSINESS AWARDS FOR THE ENVIRONMENT organised by European commission.

Among the companies, which have been awarded so far are Komtesa Kutná Hora, Třinecké železárny, Fiomo Praha, Synthesia Pardubice, Vítkovice, Barum Continental Otrokovice, Kovohutě Příbram, Česká rafinérská, Elektrárny Opatovice, Komutex, Tesla Sezam, Metrostav, TC Mach, Wiegel CZ žárové zinkování, Juwital, Kovohutě Příbram nástupnická, JUWITAL, s. r. o., Ústav chemických procesů Akademie věd ČR, Dvořák-svahové sekačky, Obecní úřad Kněžice a Rokospol.

A special acknowledgement of the jury was presented to ZŠ Molákova, Škola Mesit a Karviná 2000, Městský úřad Frýdlant nad Ostravicí, Veskom spolu s Obecním úřadem Borová Lada, Diakonie Broumov, Městský úřad Holešov a Obec Vrutice, TARMAC CZ a. s., MUCOS Pharma CZ, Středočeské sběrné suroviny, České ekologické manažerské centrum, město Havlíčkův Brod, České Švýcarsko, Městská část Praha 10, Základní škola a Mateřská škola speciální, Rakovník, Základní škola Karviná-Ráj, Základní škola Vítkov a Veskom.

We are looking forward to your application.

Contact address:
Business Leaders Forum
Ing. Tomáš Nejedlo 
Štěpánská 61,  116 02  Praha 1,  tel.: 224 216 275,  e-mail:,

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