It'll feel like summer for a few more days before temperatures drop again and the rain rolls in, just in time for the official start of fall this week.
On Monday and Tuesday, temperatures are expected to reach 25 to 27 Celsius, depending on the region. Temperatures will peak on Tuesday, according to meteorologists at iDnes.
"Today will be a little warmer, but the highest temperatures this week will be measured on Tuesday," writes the Czech Hydrometeorological Institute on Twitter.
#pocasi Dnes bude o trochu tepleji, nejvyšší teploty v tomto týdnu ale naměříme v úterý. Od středy se začnou odpoledne objevovat místní přeháňky a bouřky. V pátek a o víkendu pak přijde hodně citelné ochlazení a pršet bude na celém území Česka. Dnešní rozdíly teplot obr.
"From Wednesday afternoon, local showers and thunderstorms will start to appear. On Friday and at the weekend there will be a very noticeable cooling and it will rain across the Czech Republic."
Starting Tuesday, expect partly clear to clear skies in Bohemia with the occasional cloud. Temperatures should reach 27 Celsius -- right in time for the official start of Fall.
The following day, clouds will roll in with scattered showers and thunderstorms in some locations. Temperatures will linger in the low 20s.
In the later half of the week, temperatures will start to drop. Expect partly cloudy weather on Thursday with the occasional storm or thunderstorm. Temperatures will linger around 20 degrees.
By Friday, daily temperatures will reach anywhere from 14 to 19 Celsius with clouds and occasional rain.