The weather in late March and early April provided excellent opportunities to brush off the cobwebs, from rider and machine, to get out and start having some fun. The motorcycling world encompasses many different genres of machine and people, and the Czech Republic is home to all groups of bikers. If your interest lies in scooters, sport bikes, cruisers, touring, or what have you, then you will not need to look far to find a kindred spirit. In comparison to the likes of Britain or the States, the Czech scene is a lot more relaxed when it comes to riders from these different groups mixing together. Throughout the year, a number of biking events shall take place including custom shows, drag racing, road and circuit racing, club meets, old timer parades, and so on, and at these times all people come together in their shared interest. As these events are announced I shall do my best to post dates and details in advance, for those interested.