Prague Wanderer: 10.08

Czechs on Obama, Americans on Czech hair, and more... Staff

Written by Staff Published on 21.10.2008 16:25:21 (updated on 21.10.2008) Reading time: 1 minute

Czechs on Obama, Americans on Czech hair, and why Mormons struggle to spread their message on Prague streets.

Don’t miss the latest issue of The Prague Wanderer! 

Obama-mania is alive and well in the Czech Republic, thanks to a healthy dose of anti-Bush sentiment. But could Lord Voldemort be hiding out here too?

Find out in the newest issue of The Prague Wanderer, one of Europe´s only English-language college Webzines, put out by students at New York University in Prague. Their irreverent views on Czech life will have you laughing or shaking your head, and either way you can write comments to make the students improve!
Read The Prague Wanderer to find quality seafood in this land-locked country (hint: easier than you might think!), or to take a look at some colorful Czech hairstyles, with plenty of photos to inspire your new look. Take a trip to that over-promoted five-story club, Karlovy Lazne. Can the atmosphere live up to the hype? Get an inside look at the Czech Republic´s home-grown meth craze.
The top ten ways to take advantage of Prague´s cobblestone streets are a must-read, and the efforts of religious missionaries to gain ground on those same streets may surprise you. And if you´re into small animals, you can even choose between a friendly little cartoon mole or an amateur bug collector whose hobby got him thrown into an Indian prison.

The Prague Wanderer looks forward to your feedback. Happy Wandering!

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