The Czech Republic's first biological toilet to open atop the Šumava Mountains

Earthworms turn human waste into organic fertilizer at the first biological toilet in the Czech Republic


Written by ČTK Published on 04.11.2019 16:26:41 (updated on 04.11.2019) Reading time: 1 minute

Spicak, West Bohemia, Nov 1 (CTK) – Unique biological toilets using earthworms as a natural cleaner will open to the public atop Špičák, the Šumava mountain range’s summit popular with hikers, cyclists and skiers, as of the start of the winter season, local ski complex director Vladimir Kasik has told CTK.

Similar toilets have been operating abroad, in the Alps, for example, but the ones on Špičák (1221 metres above the sea) are the first in the Czech Republic, Kasik said.

The toilets work on the vermicomposting principle that uses the earthworm’s capability of transforming biological waste into a quality organic fertiliser.

Up to recently, there were chemical toilets on Špičák, the content of which had to be changed regularly.

The new toilets need no such servicing. The earthworms will be liquidating the waste all the year long and their population will continuously rise.

“We don’t need to be connected to a water treatment plant, we don’t need to dig a sump hole there, as no waste is left behind,” Kasik said.

“This is a purely biological system and I consider it another of our contributions to nature protection,”

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