The First Steps to Preschool

Adaptation meetings for choosing a preschool Staff

Written by Staff Published on 30.09.2009 13:37:55 (updated on 30.09.2009) Reading time: 3 minutes

The first steps to preschool

Here at the Little Mole International Preschool of Prague we understand that entrusting your child into the hands of even the best, and most experienced of teachers is often difficult for children and parents alike. To ease any concerns, we believe it is a benefit for parents to visit the preschool with their child before the enrolment begins. This will make the separation easier on the child as well as the parents. Going to preschool for the first time maybe a difficult transition for a child. Their environment, toys, daily routine, food, and even the people around them change. For some children it may be the first time they are surrounded by other kids who can be loud and completely different than the adults they are used to. All these changes can temporarily disrupt a child’s comfort and security. These feeling may also be felt by the parents.

Therefore, the purpose of adaptation meetings is to ease the child through the many stages of preschool by activity incorporating parents and teachers through:

– introducing the child to the preschool environment with the security of their parents and preschool staff near by
– exposing the parents to their child’s new preschool environment helping their child adapt to the school as well as allowing the parent to get to know the teachers and the routine of the preschool
– creating an opportunity for the teachers to get to know the parents, allowing for communication so that the staff are informed of the parents expectations and concerns

Main goals of the adaptation process:

Directed for children:

– To meet the basic psychological needs of the child, and create a secure environment for them.
– Adaptation for the child to the preschool environment.
– Overcoming the barrier and stress associated with being in a new place and away from parents.
– Helping children build a positive image of themselves as well as others.
– Children will acquire the ability to develop to their potential to its fullest.

Directed for Parents:

– Parents will learn ways of preparing their child for their stay at the preschool.
– Parents will be introduced to the preschool, its functions, lessons provided as well as their participation in the daily life of the preschool.

Preparing games for children, with the cooperation of their parents will further help in the adaptation process. By getting to know the new environment and learning to function within it will help children clearly express their emotions and feelings. These games will further help integrate the child into the group, become accepted and understood by others as well as themselves

Purpose of Games:

– games allow children to get to know and take advantage of the playrooms, bathrooms, change rooms, hallways as well as get to know their uses
– games which allow the children to understand their emotions
– drama and theatre games help children express themselves in a fun and active way
– integration games
– games which teach children about their bodies as well as others such as music games involving movement as well as story telling involving movement

Our program for 2 year old children is based on the Marii Montessori method of teaching. Through this method we teach child through play and the exploration of their world.

Furthermore we support children by teaching them respect of self, becoming self aware of their needs as well as supporting children to become self sufficient. The teachers will also help children coup with the initial separation from their parents. We believe in the development of children both physically and linguistically, and have made it our goal to create an environment for success.

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