QUIZ: Would you pass the Czech citizenship exam? Test yourself!

The Czech life and institutions test assesses applicants' knowledge of public affairs, traditions, and customs in the Czech Republic.

Expats.cz Staff

Written by Expats.cz Staff Published on 03.09.2024 17:06:00 (updated on 04.09.2024) Reading time: 1 minute

Who climbed Mount Říp? What was the National Revival? What is the emergency number for the police? These are some of the questions about Czech culture, history, and everyday life featured on the Czech citizenship exam.

Unlike the language exam, which tests foreigners’ communication skills, the Czech life and institutions test assesses applicants' knowledge of public affairs, traditions, and customs in the Czech Republic, determining their integration into Czech society. The National Pedagogical Institute has compiled a sample test. Would you pass? Take the quiz to find out!

Question 1 / 24

When do Czechs usually give each other Christmas presents?

Please answer previous questions first.

  • Dec. 23
  • Dec. 24
  • Dec. 25
Question 2 / 24

When do primary and secondary school students have their main holidays in the Czech Republic?

Please answer previous questions first.

  • February and March
  • May and June
  • July and August
Question 3 / 24

Which famous Czech director lived in the U.S. and received two Oscars?

Please answer previous questions first.

  • Jiří Menzel
  • Jan Svěrak
  • Miloš Forman
Question 4 / 24

Who became the first Czechoslovak president in 1918?

Please answer previous questions first.

  • T.G. Masaryk
  • Edvard Beneš
  • Alois Rašín
Question 5 / 24

What does the abbreviation VAT mean on receipts for goods?

Please answer previous questions first.

  • Income tax
  • Consumption tax
  • Value added tax
Question 6 / 24

Which of these sentences does the Czech national anthem begin with?

Please answer previous questions first.

  • Where is my home, where is my home?
  • May peace remain with this land.
  • Saint Wenceslas, duke of the Czech land.
Question 7 / 24

What is the name of the currency of the Czech Republic?

Please answer previous questions first.

  • Euro
  • Kroner
  • Crown
Question 8 / 24

Ms. Nováková likes to ride her bike to work. In which of the following situations does she not respect the rules of the road?

Please answer previous questions first.

  • She rides her bike in line behind her colleague.
  • She rides her bike on the right side of the road.
  • She rides her bike on the sidewalk.
Question 9 / 24

What is the approximate area of ​​the Czech Republic?

Please answer previous questions first.

  • 59,000 km2
  • 79,000 km2
  • 109,000 km2
Question 10 / 24

Which two chambers make up the Parliament of the Czech Republic?

Please answer previous questions first.

  • The Chamber of Deputies and the Government
  • The Chamber of Deputies and the Senate
  • The Senate and the Government
Question 11 / 24

What was the name of the student who set himself on fire in January 1969 in Prague on Wenceslas Square?

Please answer previous questions first.

  • Jan Opletal
  • Václav Sedláček
  • Jan Palach
Question 12 / 24

What is the name of the office that deals with unemployment benefits?

Please answer previous questions first.

  • Labor Office
  • Regional office
  • Financial Office
Question 13 / 24

What is the task of the ombudsman?

Please answer previous questions first.

  • Decides guilt and punishment for crimes
  • It resolves citizens' complaints about state administration offices
  • Represents the accused person in court proceedings
Question 14 / 24

From what age can a citizen of the Czech Republic participate in elections as a voter?

Please answer previous questions first.

  • 16
  • 18
  • 21
Question 15 / 24

Which UNESCO-listed city is located in South Bohemia?

Please answer previous questions first.

  • Tábor
  • Kutná Hora
  • Český Krumlov
Question 16 / 24

If your mobile phone breaks and you go to the store to claim the warranty, how many days does the seller have to process the claim?

Please answer previous questions first.

  • 14
  • 30
  • 60
Question 17 / 24

Where can a citizen of the Czech Republic apply for a new passport if they lose it?

Please answer previous questions first.

  • At the Ministry of Foreign Affairs
  • At the District Court
  • At the Municipal Office
Question 18 / 24

According to legend, who climbed Mount Říp?

Please answer previous questions first.

  • Princess Libuše
  • Přemysl the Ploughman
  • Great-grandfather Čech
Question 19 / 24

Which phone number is for the Police of the Czech Republic?

Please answer previous questions first.

  • 150
  • 155
  • 158
Question 20 / 24

What is the name of the document issued to spouses by the Registry Office after the marriage?

Please answer previous questions first.

  • Marriage certificate
  • Declaration of marriage
  • Proof of registered partnership
Question 21 / 24

What is the name of this building in the picture?

Please answer previous questions first.

  • Charles University Faculty of Law
  • National Theatre Prague
  • National Theatre Brno
Question 22 / 24

What is the name of the international military organization that ensures the security of the Czech Republic?

Please answer previous questions first.

  • NATO
  • EU
Question 23 / 24

What do you call the development of Czech culture in the 19th century?

Please answer previous questions first.

  • Standardization
  • National Revival
  • The Velvet Revolution
Question 24 / 24

What is the name of this building in the picture?

Please answer previous questions first.

  • Cathedral of Saints Peter and Paul in Brno
  • Prague Castle
  • National Theatre Prague

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