Air-Conditioned Trams Come to Prague
The Czech capital will get a new line of A/C-enabled trams… right after the current heat wave
Kofola Opens First Restaurant in Prague
Opening August 11, NaGrilu on Jindřišská is the soft drink company’s first branded restaurant
Friday Might be the Czech Republic’s Hottest Day Ever
As fires burn and wasps swarm, the country will challenge its record high temperature
VIDEO: Driver Flirts with Death at Level Crossing
A week after the fatal collision at Studénka, a Škoda driver in Černožice tries his luck
Czech Metro Slang on Prague Public Transport
Learn some new metro vocabulary while you ride in Prague this summer
Toy Megastore Comes to Prague
UK's famed Hamleys to open one of Europe’s largest toy stores in the Czech capital
Aussies Block Prague Street for Sex Session
Police intervention leads to startling revelation from the man that he has AIDS
Live Nude Models at Rudolfinum
Roger Hiorns’ unusual installation extended through August 16 to run with Prague Pride
Google Translate App Now Supports Czech
Instantly translate any printed text from Czech to English with your smartphone
Czech Republic Named Most Decadent Country
A Bloomberg study finds the country fittingly Bohemian
This New Praga Car Can Drive Upside Down
Praga's R1R is the company’s first road car manufactured since 1947
Daredevil Bikes Down Czech Bobsled Track
VIDEO: Richard Gasperotti races down a Czech town’s abandoned luge for K!LL H!LL
The End of Gambling in Prague?
A new proposal by the city’s mayor asks for a “zero tolerance” policy on casinos
Controversial Exhibit Hits Museum Kampa
Pode Bal's sculpture depicts an unfortunate real-life incident from Czechoslovakia's past
Pirates Dock at Náplavka
Boats illegally selling refreshments anchor at Prague’s popular riverside destination
Prague's Metro D to Have Robot Drivers
The city’s new metro line will have self-driving trains, according to a new proposal
Czech National Gallery Loses Artwork
NG facing criticism for failing to report dozens of missing pieces