Tokyobikes Capture “Spirit of Karlín”
A new shop will sell bikes built for Tokyo, Berlin, London – and, now, Prague
Making Epic Failure Fun
The F*ckUp Nights phenomenon gets a Prague edition – just don’t try to Google it
Zaza Bottles: Making Czech Tap Water Sexy
Why you should drink more tap water and how to look cool doing it
Business Secrets of a Greeting Cards Guru
Antonín Kokeš started a greeting card empire from an Old Town stand and, now, a popular Prague bakery
An Art Scene Explosion in Prague
A pop art museum, a gallery in a canteen – these are just some of the city’s exciting new spaces
5 Life-Changing Winter Holidays
Fulfill two resolutions (get fit, travel more) with a dream vacation originating in Prague
What's On: Viva La Velvet Revolution Edition!
The coming weeks will be filled with exhibits, talks, and parties, commemorating Nov 17, 1989
5 Weekends for Wine Lovers
Local wine connoisseurs name their favorite pockets of wine country for tasting the season’s best
Vinohradská Street’s Design Appeal
Burned out on IKEA? Take a stroll up Prague’s Vinohradská Street for inspiration
5 Old Town Museums You May Have Missed
These often-overlooked museums offer a departure from the usual Old Town attractions
15 Must-See Autumn 2014 Exhibits
The world premiere of an important exhibit on Israel opens in Prague & much more
Want a Great Shape? Get Out of the Gym!
These days in Prague, getting fit means anything but the traditional workout
The Story of the Veletržní Palace
Vintage pics of Prague’s most important functionalist building tell of its fascinating history
Czech Castle Summer Escapes
Author Harriet Landseer suggests royal retreats in the world’s second most castle-dense country
5 Summer Mini-Breaks in the Czech Republic
Sticking around the Czech Republic this summer? From lakes to spas to forest hikes, a trip for every budget