Chef Michael Corkery holds special cooking lessons for intermediate and advanced English language students. Using his wide experience as a chef and a teacher, he will help you develop your language skills in a fun and practical way while learning to cook.
Cooking and eating are two areas of your vocabulary needed on a daily basis, whether ordering food in a restaurant or buying ingredients in a shop. When traveling, these skills become essential and should be on the top of the list for every student.
When cooking, setting a table and eating, you will be learning and using the proper terminology in practice. This way you have the best chances to easily remember it and implement it in future.
Subjects may include lessons focused on regional cuisines, particular techniques or simply your favorite dishes (such as chocolate lessons).
Classes can be held at Michael´s test kitchen in Gallery Hunger (Prague 3 – Žižkov, near Riegerovy sady) for groups up to 15 students or individually, at the student´s kitchen.