Prague Books's recommended reading on Prague and the Czech Republic

Jacy Meyer

Written by Jacy Meyer Published on 28.07.2009 11:14:13 (updated on 28.07.2009) Reading time: 5 minutes

It´s time to broaden our minds and our libraries. Specifically with books on Prague and the Czech Republic. The history and culture of this amazing country is rich and varied; and an in-depth exploration of it is a rewarding pursuit. We perused the shelves of Amazon to compile a recommended reading list of sorts. While brief descriptions are included, please note these are not book reviews.


The Czechs and the Lands of the Bohemian Crown by Hugh Lecaine Agnew: A good overview of the nation, from prehistory and the first Slavs to the Czech Republic´s entry into the EU. Political, economic and cultural points are viewed.

The Czechoslovak Cookbook by Joza Brizova: Yum, Czech food. Avoid the pub and make goulash, bramborák or garlic soup at home. Recipes were adapted for American kitchens from a popular Czech cookbook.

Prague: A Cultural and Literary History by Richard D. E. Burton: Excellent reading for those who want to dig deep into the city´s cultural past and present. Includes overviews ranging from Jan Hus to Franz Kafka and Jewish Prague to the Good Solider Švejk.

Prague in Black and Gold: Scenes from the Life of a European City by Peter Demetz: This isn´t beach reading, but a thorough history lesson of Prague from mythical origins to post World War II. Meet the major characters: King Charles IV, Emperor Rudolf II, Jan Hus and Thomas Masaryk. Demetz does end his story at the end of WWII, so those looking for more recent history may be disappointed.

Prague in Danger: The Years of German Occupation, 1939-45 by Peter Demetz: Demetz moves into more recent history with this tome; sub-titled Memories and History, Terror and Resistance, Theater and Jazz, Film and Poetry, Politics and War. Anything else?

Travelers’ Tales Prague and the Czech Republic: True Stories edited by David Farley & Jessie Scholl: A compilation of stories by both American and Czech writers who have lived in, and something to say about, Prague and the Czech Republic.

The Spirit of Prague and Other Essaysby Ivan Klima: A collection of writings by own of the country´s best known authors on his time in the Terezin concentration camp; samizdat press and post-1968 resistance to the Communist government.

Prague 20th Century Architectureby Michael Kohout: Art Nouveau, Cubism and Functionalism are all covered in this book detailing Czech architecture from 1900-1997. More than 200 buildings are included with photos and descriptions.

Under a Cruel Star: A Life in Prague 1941-1968 by Heda Margolius Kovaly: A memoir by a Czechoslovakian exile that details her time spent in Nazi concentration camps; her return to Prague and happy marriage (before her husband was killed by the Communist regime) and her immigration to the West in 1968. See Reflections of Prague below, for a memoir by her son.

Prague Then and Now by J.M. Lau: This fascinating book offers 70 “then and now” photographs of the Golden City.  Commentary includes architectural notes, as well as political and social events that led to the changing cityscape.

Reflections of Prague: Journeys through the 20th century by Ivan Margolius: The story of a Czech Jewish family, this memoir details Margolius´ search for the truth regarding his father Rudolf, who was killed in the infamous Slansky Affair in the 1950´s. 

Prague Winterby Nikolaus Martin: The memoir of a young man, half German/half Czech, caught up in the events of World War II and Nazi occupation in the Czech Republic.

The Coasts of Bohemia: A Czech History by Derek Sayer: A sociologist´s approach to Czech history, nationalism and culture, Sayer doesn´t so much cover the “typical” historical highlights but instead discusses the formation of Czech culture through the years.

Living in Freedom: The New Prague by Mark Sommer:  This book, published in 1993, tells one man´s version of how the city has changed since the fall of Communism. Based on Sommer´s visits to Prague in 1983, 1990 and 1991, the book combines history, personal reflections and interviews with locals.

Prague Territories: National Conflict and Cultural Innovation in Franz Kafka’s Fin de Sičcle by Scott Spector: An overview of Jewish writers at the beginning of the 20th century; Spector´s book offers social and ideological relationships between politics and culture.

Czech Republic in Pictures by Stacy Taus-Bolstad: A children´s book. Experience the country´s geography, history, people and culture through photos.

Jewish Stories Of Prague: Jewish Prague In History And Legend by V.V. Tomek: An in-depth review of Jewish history in Prague, including Rabbi Loew and his Golem.

Kafka’s Prague: A Travel Reader by Klaus Wagenbach and Shaun Whiteside: This is a combination guide to the Prague Kafka knew – and a guide to the Kafka Prague knew. As he famously said: “Prague doesn’t let go. This little mother has claws.”

Prague: A Traveler’s Literary Companion edited by Paul Wilson: This is an anthology of 23 Prague stories. Well-known writers such as Ivan Klima and Franz Kafka rate inclusion, but the bonus here are the stories being first seen in their English translation. Publisher´s Weekly said about this book: “To see human comedy in the midst of great suffering allowed the spirit of Prague to prevail, and that is the genius of the authors presented here.”

Hastening Toward Prague: Power and Society in the Medieval Czech Lands by Lisa Wolverton: This is a heavy duty textbook-like tome on Czech society and politics in the High Middle Ages.


Prague: A Novel by Arthur Phillips: This is actually a novel about Budapest, not Prague. However as it tells the story of five expatriates who settle in Budapest at the beginning of the ‘90s, many people may be able to relate. Prague, in Phillips´ story is the unattainable Mecca, where the characters would rather be living – if they hadn´t chosen Budapest.

The Memoirs Of A Prague Executioner by Josef Svátek: A historical novel, this book is loosely based on the writings of one Jan Mydlár, an actual executioner in the 16th century. Medieval law enforcement is of course discussed, but history fans may enjoy the inclusion of society and culture norms of the time.

Some of these titles may be available in local English-language bookstores, such as Anagram, Big Ben, Globe or Shakespeare & Sons. You can also check the English sections of local bookstores such as Palác Knih Luxor.

Want more information? Read an overview of Czech literature and authors here. Prefer poetry? Learn about Czech verse here. Have you read any of these, or other books about Prague and the Czech Republic? Share your thoughts and recommendations below!

Have we missed any books that should be mentioned here? Let us know in the comments section below.

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