Prague's landmark Powder Tower to undergo extensive renovations this summer

Built in 1475, the tower is one of the most significant monuments of Gothic Prague and considered the entrance to the Royal Way leading to Prague Castle. Staff

Written by Staff Published on 25.07.2024 09:30:00 (updated on 24.07.2024) Reading time: 2 minutes

The iconic Powder Tower monument in Prague, managed by Prague City Tourism, is about to undergo a revitalization of its exterior and railings. Over the next three weeks, the tower will be covered in scaffolding as the repair work begins. This is the initial phase of a larger overhaul project.

“It is our duty to take care of Prague’s heritage buildings, which are a symbol of Prague and the legacy of our ancestors,” said Jiří Pospíšil, Deputy Mayor for Culture and Tourism. “Now, in cooperation with Prague City Tourism, we are starting the repair of the Powder Tower, and I am very happy that the tower will have a literal new coat.”

The reconstruction of the outer shell will involve cleaning, basic treatment, and inspection of the tower’s individual elements. This will be followed by restoring, repairing, and replacing damaged parts, including revitalizing the stone railings on the tower’s gallery. The main restorer will be Tomáš Rafl, an academic painter, and the repairs will be carried out by AKANT ART, a company specializing in architectural works.

“We approach the monuments we manage with great humility because they are the cultural heritage of Prague, which must be taken care of,” said František Cipro, the Board of Prague City Tourism Chairman. “After completing the reconstruction of the ground floor of the Old Town Hall at the end of last year, we are now taking a joint approach with the city to revitalize another important monument, the Powder Tower.”

Photo via Prague City Tourism
Photo via Prague City Tourism

Most important late Gothic monument

The Powder Tower (in Czech Prašná brána) is one of the original city gates. Built in 1475, it is one of the most significant monuments of late Gothic Prague and is considered the entrance to the Royal Way leading to Prague Castle. From the tower’s 44-meter-high gallery, visitors can enjoy an exceptional view of the city center. In the first half of 2024, the tower welcomed 40,000 domestic and foreign visitors.

The initial phase of the revitalization project is expected to cost CZK 5 million and should be completed by the end of October. Visitor traffic will not be significantly restricted during the renovations, and the work is aimed at being finished by the end of October.

The previous repair of another Prague landmark was shrouded in controversy.

Prague’s 2018 restoration of the Astronomical Clock’s calendar wheel faced scrutiny for inaccuracies. The wheel, meant to be a faithful copy of Josef Mánes’ 1866 work, featured contemporary figures and altered details. A Culture Ministry report faults artist Stanislav Jirčík, Prague City Hall, and heritage conservationists for failing to maintain accuracy. Despite these issues, no penalties were imposed.

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