WATCH: Who pays for a date? We ask Prague locals who should pick up the tab

In light of a viral video stirring up controversy across the internet, we asked expats and Czechs who they think should foot the bill on a date.

Anica Mancinone

Written by Anica Mancinone Published on 11.10.2024 16:24:00 (updated on 11.10.2024) Reading time: 2 minutes

After a TikTok went viral last month in which an Australian man bemoaned his date “taking advantage” of the frozen yogurt weight-to-price system he was paying for, the age-old debate on how a bill should be paid was reignited on social media.

We took to the streets of Prague to get a candid sample of answers to the question: who should pay for a date? The people we interviewed represent a whole spectrum of cross-cultural dating etiquette.

Footing the bill

Two young Czech men we spoke to presented their guy logic for solving this puzzle of chivalry: “If I would like to date her, I would pay the whole amount. Friends with benefits or something? Split the bill.” Another respondent recalled a date gone wrong, in which he recommended splitting the bill, and his date got “mad.”

On the opposite side of the gender divide, Emily from the U.S. said that despite not actively going on any dates during her 7 months in the Czech Republic, she noticed that Czech men are more likely to “buy her things”—namely drinks in clubs and bars.

Duncan from the UK captured the majority of the crowd’s sentiment, saying, “Whoever asked for the date should be the one that pays.”

Dating across cultures

Almost all of the people we interviewed in Prague had experience dating someone outside their nationality. When it came to dating Czechs, non-natives noticed some idiosyncrasies.

Prince from South Africa said “some women here are at first a little bit distant,” while a Scotsman said Czech women “take care of themselves” and that they’re “almost intimidating.”

When we heard it from the women’s side, the reviews weren’t so glowing. Mária from Slovakia said, "men from other foreign countries are more kindly and gentlemanly than Czechs.”

Meanwhile, the Czechs themselves were more likely to date fellow natives over foreigners.

“I tend to be attracted to locals,” said Sophie from Prague, elaborating that she could immediately identify a Czech just from how they dress and a certain “vibe”.

Who do you think should pay the bill on a date?

Whoever asks for the date 13 %
The man 29 %
The woman 7 %
It should be split 50/50 51 %
55 readers voted on this poll. Voting is open

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